Both Riverrrun and Colourwall address how we are influenced by others; how we compete and collaborate, as we collectively create in a social network. They are conspicuously contemporary in this regard.
[click to continue…]Artist based in Madrid.
Both Riverrrun and Colourwall address how we are influenced by others; how we compete and collaborate, as we collectively create in a social network. They are conspicuously contemporary in this regard.
[click to continue…]Our action plan:
Having performed various public experiments we have identified the following problems with the current versions of Riverrun and Colourwall:
Riverrun and Colourwall: Kevin McCourt (Artist) and Bartolo Luque (Theoretical Physicist). See: www.kmccourt.org & http://www.dmae.upm.es/bartolo.html
[click to continue…]