
Both Riverrrun and Colourwall address how we are influenced by others; how we compete and collaborate, as we collectively create in a social network. They are conspicuously contemporary in this regard.
[click to continue…]Our action plan:
- Phase 1: A re-working or refinement of design and programming i.e. to produce the release version of each project.
Having performed various public experiments we have identified the following problems with the current versions of Riverrun and Colourwall:
Riverrun and Colourwall: Kevin McCourt (Artist) and Bartolo Luque (Theoretical Physicist). See: www.kmccourt.org & http://www.dmae.upm.es/bartolo.html
[click to continue…]On Thursday 29 July, 2010 from 16.30 pm until approximately 19.30 pm (Spanish local time) we will be presenting Riverrun and Colourwall at “Campus Party”. This represents the first public event for Colourwall the collective online drawing project. Participants will be able to collaborate in the making of a work.
Riverrun, the collective writing project, will run in parallel. Both experiments will be presented on large plasma screens during the event, so that visitors can see both the evolving images and stories as video.
Further details: http://www.campus-party.es/2010/Diseno.html
This project has been developed by Kevin McCourt, artist and Bartolo Luque, theoretical physicist.
This practical experiment will focus on social interaction, with more than a hundred creators collaborating in the making of two collective works: One a story, the other a picture. Each person will participate, using their own computer (client), by designing a small part of the collective work which will be housed in a central computer (server).
The projects will address how we are influenced by others as we form and communicate across networks.
They will allow us to also explore relationships between scientific (Physics) techniques for understanding collective human behaviour and philosophical and psychological concepts related to individual experience, sensation and perception which form part of such social phenomena.
[click to continue…]